These arrows will only work, if you are targeting the main bone in the ragdoll. These arrows are only used for moving the ragdoll and are often used, if you want to place a ragdoll in mid-air.
Left click on a bone will show you 3 arrows. This tool is much better than Physgun, because this tool allows us to move 1 bone at the time. In this case I am looking at 'bip_lowerArm_L'. When holding the tool and looking at your ragdoll, you will see the names on the Ragdoll's bones. This is the part, Where we start posing the ragdoll. Before we get started on this chapter, it's very important that Ragdoll Mover tool's update rate is set to the lowest as possible, by default I think it is set to 1, which means it will take 1 second for the ragdoll to move into a new position and feels very laggy.